Experienced machine learning developer Uppsala, Sweden

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(Aktualisiert 2023-01-01)

Experienced machine learning developer

Uppsala, Sweden

Einheimische Chinese, Fließend English, Anfänger Svenska

  • Strong mathematics skills
  • Strong programming skills in Python/Matlab and C
  • Good knowledge about digital and analog cirtuit theory

Fähigkeiten (7)





Machine Learning




A researcher in signal processing, an engineer in wireless communication and machine
learning, with programming proficiency in Python, C and Matlab; Creative, cooperative and love
to find elegant solutions to complicated problems.


Senior system engineer
Nordic Semiconductor

2023-10 - 2023-12

Mainly worked on improving a demodulation algorithm for the 802.11ba based wake-up receiver. Contributions were made in improving algorithm's energy efficiency and resilience towards carrier frequency offset. Contract terminated due to company's cost-saving policy.
Radio algorithm developer

2021-04 - 2023-09

Mainly worked on a pre-development project about designing energy-efficient passive intermodulation cancellation algorithms for Ericsson's radios. Main driver for developing the algorithm and simulation framework, also played an active role in the hardware realization (from floating point to fixed point algorithm conversion).
• Also contributed to projects about time delay estimation for Tx-Rx signal alignment, nonlinear terms grouping and digital filter design with group delay constraints.
• Finished Ericsson Radio School courses and got the certification.
Postdoc in Chalmers University of Technology

2020-01 - 2020-12

Worked on a project about designing online decision-making algorithms to find minimum energy consumption path in a transportation network, where there exist uncertainties in the energy consumption of road segments. The main idea was to model the problem as a Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits problem.
Data Scientist
Ekkono Solutions

2019-02 - 2020-01

• Mainly worked on developing and evaluating a conformal-prediction based algorithm for change detection for streaming data sequences.
• Worked with other colleagues on several customer projects, such as machinery vibration analysis and battery remaining useful life prediction.
• Assisted an Applied data mining course in Borås University.
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
University of Nottingham

2017-09 - 2018-05

Responsible for lecturing an undergraduate course on Computer fundamentals, which introduces to students about basics of digital circuit theory and coding theory; also was responsible for lab sessions of Introduction to programming paradigms and Introduction to image processing.
Postdoc in NYUAD/Halmstad University

2016-08 - 2017-07

• Designed a fully distributed algorithm for computing the PageRank vector.
• Conducted research on designing algorithms for change-point detection based on ideas of conformal prediction and dictionary learning.
Ph.D. student
Uppsala University

2011-01 - 2016-04

Research for my doctoral study was mainly about designing and analyzing algorithms for system identification using convexification and recursion. A collection of my doctoral courses and research outputs can be found from my Linkedin profile.
• Assisted problem solving sessions of System identification and lab sessions of Introduction to computer control systems multiple times.
• Finished the Academic Teacher Training course and got the certification.
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

2008-09 - 2010-12

Responsible for lecturing undergraduate courses on Signal and systems, Introduction to circuit theory and Data compression techniques multiple times.

Akademischer Hintergrund

Ph.D. in Signal Processing
Uppsala University

2024-04 - 2016-01

M.S. in Biomedical Engineering
University of Science and Technology of China

2024-04 - 2008-01

B.S. in Information Technology
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

2024-04 - 2005-01

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