Senior Project Leader Copenhagen, Denmark

Might be available

(Updated 2023-12-11)

Senior Project Leader

Copenhagen, Denmark

Beginner English

  • 2 decades of project leadership
  • Responsible AI and AI Ethics
  • Expert on all things data

Skills (61)

Project Management


Business Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence

Data Migration


Data Management

Power BI










Machine Learning

Master Data Management

Big Data













Product Management













Strategic planning
















For 20 years Adam has served as a consultant, principal, project manager, execu;ve, and product manager on crea;ng
sustained data-driven impact in energy, educa;on, retail, human resources, finance, life science, supply chain, and logis;cs.
His results include implemen;ng large-scale global data and advanced analy;cs plaBorms, building, and transforming
scalable agile delivery teams, empowering business through advanced analy;cs capabili;es and machine learning, and
helping clients with strategies for data governance and responsible use of data and genera;ve AI.

A MicrosoF data engineer and consultant by training, Adam implemented and architected business intelligence, data
plaBorms, and financial/accoun;ng repor;ng solu;ons for H&M, Pandora, and Georg Jensen. As an oil and gas execu;ve,
he led major transforma;on projects including global business intelligence roll-out, front-line use of ar;ficial intelligence,
agile methodologies and DevOps, and Azure cloud transforma;ons. Pivo;ng to pharma Adam worked with customer
engagement for Novo Nordisk, Takeda, and Leo Pharma focusing on large interna;onal Salesforce rollouts, data migra;on,
customer master data, access management, and data plaBorm projects. Before founding CANESTREET, Adam was the head
of data ethics for shipping giant Maersk ensuring applica;ons and its 100k+ workforce collects, stores, accesses, and uses
data and genera;ve AI responsibly.

In 2023, Adam founded CANESTREET to help build the next genera;on of project leaders and help his clients execute on
cri;cal and strategic projects on leveraging data and AI to beat their compe;;on. He combines deep technological
understanding and experience from various roles, industries, and business domains with strong inter-personal skills to lead,
inspire and get things done. Balancing emo;onal intelligence with an owner's mentality he leads and executes for his
clients. He focuses on driving alignment and clarity, influence and align with key stakeholders and execu;ve leadership
ul;mately delivering projects with impact. He is known for having an excep;onal focus on taking ownership of anything or
anybody necessary to deliver projects and create impact reflec;ng the ever-changing needs and circumstances of business.


• Project management
• Program management
• Ar;ficial Intelligence
• Change Management

Professional Experience


2023-06 - 2023-11

Demant had decided to implement a global customer iden;ty and access management (CIAM) plaBorm to address the challenges posed by the company's extensive interna;onal presence, diverse customer base, and the need for data security and regulatory compliance. They also wanted to provide a superior digital customer experience, an area their key compe;tors were winning in. It would serve as a strategic solu;on to enhance efficiency, security, and user experience while suppor;ng the company's growth and global opera;ons.
Senior Project Leader

2023-06 - 2023-11

Key to succeed was to consolidate a dozen sources of customer data into a global repository in Salesforce cons;tu;ng the CIAM backbone against which customers are authen;cated and authorized to access Demant's extensive porBolio of apps and online services.
RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Defining the project's goals, objec;ves, scope, and success criteria.
● Crea;ng a comprehensive project plan with ;melines, milestones, and resource alloca;on.
● Developing a clear project strategy aligned with the organiza;on's CIAM goals.
● Iden;fying and engaging key stakeholders, including business owners, IT teams, and compliance representa;ves.
● Ensuring open and transparent communica;on to gain support and alignment throughout the project.
● Alloca;ng and managing project resources, including personnel, budgets, and technology infrastructure ● Ensuring the project team has the necessary skills and tools to execute the project effec;vely.
● Supervising day-to-day project ac;vi;es and ensuring the project progresses according to the plan.
● Coordina;ng tasks among team members and external stakeholders.
● Iden;fying poten;al risks and developing risk mi;ga;on strategies.
● Con;nuously monitoring and addressing project risks to minimize their impact on project goals.
BUSINESS IMPACT: ● For Demant to become easy to do business with, delivering the global customer repository was key to ensuring all digital solu;ons worked seamlessly together.
● The new CIAM solu;on provides easy account management and single sign-on & access management.
● Ensured valid consent data from customers safeguarding their trust in how Demant treats and uses customer data.
● Provide the digital backbone against for future solu;ons such as dashboards for easy decision-making and insights-driven ac;ons and AI.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Workshop Facilitation Team Management Project Coordination Data Protection Consent Management Cross-team Collaboration Salesforce
Generative AI

2022-02 - 2023-05

Increased use of data assets in the transforma;on of transport and logis;cs and regulatory and societal focus on the responsible use of data, A.P. Moller - Maersk launched an industry-first data ethics policy. Adam was responsible for the global roll-out and anchoring among its 100k+ workforce and ensuring applica;ons and AIML program met new ethical standards including, data privacy and AI regula;on.
RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Organizing and leading team, implemen;ng product delivery model, and execu;ng data ethics roadmap, managing porBolio, and championing data ethics internally and externally.
● Driving clarity and alignment with senior stakeholders on priori;es and business impact based on trends in AI, responsible use of data, and changes in the regulatory environment.
● Driving awareness and communica;on to Maersk globally and AIML product development teams.
BUSINESS IMPACT: ● Establish data ethics as a strategic ESG priority measuring how applica;ons met data ethical standard, risk assessment of AIML against data ethics policy and interna;onal regula;on on AI.
● Implemen;ng 'data ethics by design' ensuring applica;ons meet ethical standards, including data management, data governance, access management, cyber security, risk profile assessments against data privacy regula;on, GDPR, compe;;on law, and AI regula;on.
● Rolled out new Data Ethics Repor;ng Framework for measuring the long-term business impact of Maersk data ethics program.
of 15 Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Project Portfolio Mgnt Product Backlog Product Management Data Protection Team Management Change Management Coaching

2023-01 - 2023-05

SME With the introduc;on of ChatGPT and large language models (LLM) in late 2022, it quickly surfaced that ar;ficial intelligence (AI) could deliver value in previously unseen ways. Maersk started exploring ways to use and invest in this technology - from dealing with the more ordinary tasks such as wri;ng job descrip;ons, ar;cles, or educa;onal memos, to providing customers with more self-help online. Eying long-term possibly disrup;ve outcomes Maersk wanted to look at where this technology could be adopted, while minimising the risk with the introduc;on of the Genera;ve AI (GAI) policy aligned with pre-exis;ng data ethics policies.
RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Organizing and leading a team from Cyber Security, Legal, Data Privacy, Communica;ons, and Technology to formulate a Genera;ve AI policy addressing long-term vision, use cases, and prac;cal guidance with "dos & don'ts" for employees globally.
● Launching awareness campaign with "tone from the top" video material, slides, and communica;on to empower senior management to respond and communicate on GAI.
● Driving awareness and communica;on to Maersk globally and responding to the flurry of requests on how employees could use the technology.
BUSINESS IMPACT: ● Provided guidance and ways of working with GAI, ensuring its use did not entail risk for Maersk while encouraging use and experimenta;on with GAI. Policy principles consisted of data Privacy, content valida;on, and user transparency.
● Responded to increased demand for GIA use globally by announcing a roadmap aimed at rapid collec;on and experimenta;on with use cases supported by the prospect of building an internal ChatGPT instance.
● Provided avenues for employees to raise requests, ques;ons, and to raise concerns over undue use to prevent disinforma;on and data leaks thus guarding against misuse.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Cross-team Collaboration Product Backlog

2022-04 - 2023-03

Maersk is ac;ve across all parts of the transporta;on and logis;cs supply chain. That means some parts of the business interacts with external stakeholders in compe;;on with other parts of Maersk. To do business as a customer, a supplier, or orchestrator we need to manage access to such non-Maersk data as confiden;al and ensure the data is not unintendedly shared.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • As Data Ethics Product manager, Adam was responsible for project managing the global team against a set deadline, leading a team of legal, compliance, applica;on, governance, control, and audit subject maler experts.
• Ensuring strong and ;mely communica;on to execu;ve leaders given the customer focus on safeguarding cri;cal data and preven;ng providing pretext for external scru;ny and audits. This includes responding to internal escala;ons and request to avoid business disrup;ons.
• Adam was responsible for devising guidance, anchoring new processes across the organiza;on, roll-out of new access management and automated controls, execu;ng applica;on risks assessments iden;fying new applica;ons and data sources to include, and ensuring proper training of relevant applica;on teams.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Enrolled over 25 cri;cal global and local applica;ons to a standardized and compliant access management process with sufficient checks and balances in ServiceNow (SNOW) to safeguard access to sensi;ve and confiden;al data among 10k users.
• Expanded with fully automated governance, risk, and compliance controls to ensure access management process effec;veness repor;ng and monitoring of issues and security breaches to support ;mely responses and capture all necessary informa;on for audits.
• Rolled out global e-learning and awareness campaigns to educate employees on proper conduct, legal liabili;es, and how to obtain guidance and assistance.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Workshop Facilitation Team Management Access Management Data Protection Product Backlog Cross-team Collaboration Legal Due Diligence

2022-01 - 2023-01

Increased use of data assets in the transforma;on of transport and logis;cs and regulatory and societal focus on the responsible use of data, A.P. Moller - Maersk launched an industry-first data ethics policy. Adam was responsible for the global roll-out and anchoring among its 100k+ workforce and ensuring applica;ons and AIML program met new ethical standards including, data privacy and AI regula;on.
of 15

2022-02 - 2022-11

With Data Ethics part of the Environment, Society, and Governance strategy Maersk commiled to training 100 pct of its employees on the responsible use of data by end of 2023. This would mean targe;ng over 90K people including office workers, skilled trade workers, and seafarers opera;ng in over 130 languages.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • As Data Ethics Product manager, Adam was responsible for project managing the data ethics e-learning design, implementa;on, internal review, and launch to all employees globally against a set deadline, leading a team of digital learning experts, subject maler exper;se, mul;media content creators, and senior stakeholders.
• Ensuring strong and ;mely communica;on to execu;ve leaders given the external focus on Maersk ambi;ous plans on training all employees in 1 year.
• Planned the transla;on (7 languages), internal screening and review, release, and subsequent tracking of comple;on rates based on constant communica;on and internal adver;sing of the e-learning.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Launched global e-learning on data ethics to train 100 pct of Maersk employees data ethics policy, and specialized instructor-led training to AIML product development teams on ;me.
of 15 • Established an e-learning plaBorm for future releases against which data ethics grew in notoriety across Maersk helping to establish Data Ethics and the team as a permanent fixture.
• Increased the level of data ethical maturity among employees transla;ng into more data ethical products.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Training documentation Learning Management Supplier Management Communication Data Protection Legal Compliance Generative AI Use Case Testing

2019-12 - 2022-02

Through close customer engagement, Adam worked closely with global big pharma companies such as Novo Nordisk and Ferring on architec;ng BI, analy;cs and customer engagement Salesforce CRM plaBorms aimed at growing market share, op;mizing pipeline management, and ul;mately to drive business value and deliver on strategic objec;ves through data and analy;cs.

2021-03 - 2022-01

Corza Medical, a leading American manufacturer of innova;ve surgical technologies, was expanding into the European and Middle Eastern markets through acquisi;on of certain Takeda product rights and needed a life science partner to assist them in expanding their commercial excellence and datadriven approach with a new CRM plaBorm, consent management, and marke;ng technology (MarTech) in compliance with EU rules and regula;on.
RESPONSIBILITIES: ● As Senior Project Manager, Adam was responsible for a team of life science business analysts, subject maler experts, and CRM plaBorm specialists from BASE life science to implement and roll our Salesforce CRM in all 11 European and Middle Eastern markets.
● He worked closely with the Boston-based senior management to align on resource requirements, ;melines and plans, repor;ng on progress and project risks and mi;ga;ng ac;ons while ensuring the European-based team collaborated with Salesforce, IQVIA, and Takeda counterparts for ;mely launch on Salesforce with the Corza commercial excellence and sales teams.
● Adam was account manager for Corza Medical ensuring BASE life science resource capacity was aligned with Corza short and long-term requirements for consul;ng services and building Corza into a key account as they expanded their European business and footprint.
BUSINESS IMPACT: ● Salesforce CRM was launched in all markets following training of Corza Medical sales teams in 5 different European languages enabling Corza to commence commercial opera;ons and logging and repor;ng of sales performance via Salesforce.
● Historical sales performance data from Takeda was migrated into Salesforce and properly cleansed and mapped to the IQVIA customer base dataset Corza had acquired.
● For BASE life science, Corza grew from a small to an emerging client with long-term business poten;al in customer engagement with account plans with longterms plans for marke;ng cloud, consent management, and account segmenta;on.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Team Management Requirements Mngmt.
Salesforce CRM Test Planning Consent Management Workshop facilitation IT Governance

2021-06 - 2022-01

To drive the global digitaliza;on strategy in sales and marke;ng, Takeda focused on improving data quality and rolling out an industry-best data governance framework to safeguard quality improvements on its Salesforce (Veeva) CRM plaBorm and downstream implica;ons on data plaBorm.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Adam was responsible for the European and Canadian rollout deploying his subject maler exper;se in data governance and pharmaceu;cal sales processes and organiza;on with project leadership to ensure clean-up and governance was in place on ;me.
• Establish and lead a virtual, interna;onal team of data analysts, governance leads, and commercial excellence experts to build data quality and clean-up guidance.
• Strong project leadership and stakeholder management to eliminate risk of delay and impact to remaining porBolio of strategic projects which relied on the successful comple;on.
of 15 BUSINESS IMPACT: • Cleaned up key data en;;es such as customer, product, and sales territory en;;es according to new standards and master data defini;ons.
• Developed and rolled out a data governance framework on key data en;;es in Europe and Canada, assigned data ownership supported by guidance and training.
• Designed and rolled out data quality analysis and repor;ng suppor;ng the key data governance roles with relevant insight to iden;fy ac;ons and changes in commercial excellence.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Master Data Management Data Governance Compliance Management Salesforce CRM Data Management Microsoft Power BI

2021-08 - 2022-01

To standardize the collec;on of consent from health care professionals for sales and marke;ng purposes, Bavarian Nordic decided to roll-out a global SAP consent management solu;on (CMS). Roll-out customer data governance designed specifically to resolve conflic;ng consent informa;on across systems.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Project managing delivery of the CMS solu;on against a set deadline, leading a team of data engineers, developers, architects, and CMS experts from 3 suppliers. Timely key stakeholder alignment and Steering Commilee repor;ng, risk assessment, and comple;ng mi;ga;ng ac;ons.
• Ensuring alignment and clarity on solu;on architecture, emphasizing data migra;on tes;ng and UAT in all markets.
• Supplier and contract management on behalf of Bavarian Nordic to safeguard budgets, manage change requests, and manage expecta;ons for addi;onal workload.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Launch in Denmark and Germany on ;me, plans for US roll-out designed and staffed.
• Data governance roles assigned with data ownership roles in Commercial Excellence teams.
• Exis;ng customer consent informa;on was reviewed, and conflicts resolved with the SAP CMS represen;ng the master record for consent with downstream integra;on to CRM implemented.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Workshop Facilitation Supplier Management Compliance Management Data Protection Contract negotiations Consent Management Data Governance

2021-05 - 2021-08

A new global data plaBorm would be the backbone of a data-driven and digitalized Commercial strategy. Replacing the exis;ng one, LEO wanted to outsource development and solicited external assistance to research and recommend from industry-standard cloud commercial data plaBorms.
RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Adam was Project Manager and principal on execu;ng an assessment of products and services to be included in new commercial data plaBorm including data as a service, data warehousing soFware, master data management, advanced analy;cs, access management, implementa;on services, and plaBorm support and opera;on.
of 15 ● Managed a team of internal and external business analysts, suppliers, architects, and commercial excellence resources. Repor;ng on delivery to senior execu;ves in internal reference group.
● Alignment with key stakeholders, presenta;on of research, findings, and recommenda;ons.
BUSINESS IMPACT: ● Delivered recommenda;on to senior management and guidance, aligned to commercial data plaBorm epic, key business requirements while maximizing use of exis;ng soFware, vendors suppliers, and support organiza;on.
● Delivered business requirements aligned with Epic descrip;on, es;mated budget and pricing ranges for IT Procurement to plan and issue request for proposals from key vendors.
● Ensured compa;bility with exis;ng data sources, and integra;on with downstream and upstream applica;ons, such as SAP, Collibra, AWS, and Power BI.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Team Management Requirements Mngmt.
Data Governance Business Analytics Supplier Management Workshop facilitation IT Governance

2019-12 - 2021-05

Novo Nordisk rolled out Salesforce (IQVIA Sales) known as 'IO Engage' in 32 European markets as part of a new strategy to improve customer engagement and branding/marke;ng efforts withs its sales force and marketers on a bedrock of improved customer master data, account segmenta;on, and consent management.
RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Adam was SCRUM Master for Data Migra;on team tasked with successfully.
● migra;ng and valida;ng data from legacy CRM system to IQVIA OCE across 32 European markets managing a team of 8 FTEs.
● Ensured strong collabora;on with client senior project management and key suppliers, including IQVIA, integra;on, rollout, and Salesforce product team members.
● Responsible for resource alignment/alloca;on, PI planning, refinement, backlog planning, product owner facilita;on and Novo Nordish senior project management repor;ng and coordina;on BUSINESS IMPACT: ● Ensured a ;mely roll-out of CRM plaBorm in all 32 markets below budget as a result of building a highperformance team with relentless focus on improving data migra;on processes.
● Massively improved data quality and elimina;on of migra;on-related hyper care instances resul;ng in quick and stable adop;on of new CRM plaBorm in all markets. Data quality issues response anchored in ServiceNow.
● Improved marke;ng campaigns resul;ng from improved account-based market segmenta;on data.
Project Management Stakeholder Management Communication Team Management SCRUM Agile Data Migration Contract Negotiations Workshop facilitation Data Management

2020-01 - 2020-08

Ferring Pharmaceu;cals decided to implement Azure Synapse combined with Power BI as the backbone in a new global business intelligence data plaBorm for commercial excellence repor;ng and forecas;ng also mee;ng self-service and advanced analy;cs business requirements.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Leveraging his exper;se in BI and MicrosoF Azure services and products, • Adam was responsible for architec;ng the plaBorm together with MicrosoF Redmond-based solu;on architects to deliver performance balanced with a cost-effec;ve opera;on and use of the plaBorm.
• Facilita;ng and driving development team to implemen;ng the Power plaBorm based on Salesforce CRM to deliver repor;ng and include commercial budgets and forecasts, while working with commercial to resolve data quality issues.
of 15 • Ensuring solu;on was built and tested to meet Ferring requirements for processing speed and ;mely repor;ng on CRM plaBorm data and showcasing Synapse poten;al for big data queries.
BUSINESS IMPACT: ● Launched plaBorm and report with commercial departments in all major European markets on ;me.
● Global repor;ng harmonized commercial performance repor;ng, using standard metrics for sales performance and health care professional (HCP) segmenta;on data across markets.
● Self-service provided each market with reports and analy;cs mee;ng local requirements, e.g. providing ;me-offterritory (absence) reports and others in accordance with na;onal regula;on.
Data architecture Technical architecture BI Team manager Dimensional modelling Data Modelling/Design Stakeholder Management DAX SSAS Tabular Azure Synapse Business Intelligence

2014-10 - 2019-11

Adam was accountable for defining and implemen;ng the Business Intelligence (BI) and Analy;cs strategy for Maersk Drilling, whereby key strategic objec;ves and new efforts in digitaliza;on are supported by corporate repor;ng, analy;cs, and advanced algorithms/AI. This involves defining roadmaps for the BI and Analy;cs architecture, suppor;ng the overall BI and Analy;cs strategy while opera;onalizing the BI architecture through implementa;on of BI sprints and projects.

2018-12 - 2019-11

To bring innova;on to customers and employees as part Maersk's strategy smarter drilling for beler value Adam established a new team and capabili;es to leverage data assets and advanced analy;cs, incl. AI and machine learning.
RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Adam was responsible for inves;ng, building, and providing a new AIML capability to Maersk Drilling, including new resources, ML architects, agile development, and new technology stack using MicrosoF Azure Machine Learning Studio and associated services.
● Building a porBolio of use cases for AIML against an epic capturing the long-term vision for AIML within offshore drilling, opera;ons, maintenance, and financial fraud detec;on.
● Bringing awareness of AIML via communica;on, and training, while showcasing the value of AIML through projects and MVPs.
BUSINESS IMPACT: ● The AIML capability was implemented providing a new service to the organiza;on used in par;cular using ML to help offshore maintenance crews detect cri;cal equipment failure ● Several AIML projects were deployed to produc;on using standard func;onality and no-code approach in Azure Machine Learning Studio leveraging exis;ng Azure SQL data warehouse plaBorm and Power plaBorm soFware for data entry and repor;ng in Power BI ● Produced high demand for AIML across the company resul;ng in a strong porBolio of AIML use cases and projects to ensure a constant pipeline and delivery of solu;ons.
Data architecture Technical architecture BI Team manager Agile Data Modelling /Design Stakeholder Management DAX SSAS Tabular Artificial Intelligence Business Intelligence

2018-01 - 2018-12

Given the increased reliance on data as a strategic asset and the use of data in driving innova;on, digitaliza;on, automa;on all powered by centralized data plaBorms enabled through BI and advanced analy;cs, Maersk chose to inhouse all development efforts across business plaBorms and in IT anchored in new agile development methodologies.
of 15 RESPONSIBILITIES: ● As leader of the global BI and advanced analy;cs department, Adam was responsible for establishing an interna;onal and cost-effec;ve DevOps team spearheading agile development, test, and opera;onal methodologies.
● He was responsible for recrui;ng and building new teams in Maersk IT and global service centre hubs in Gdansk, Poland and Manila, Philippines replacing HQ-based external consultants with 8 FTEs thus crea;ng the capacity and scalability required to meet increased demand.
● Adam was responsible for rolling out agile development methodologies, in par;cular building DevOps across both loca;ons to ensure a con;nuous delivery of solu;ons and features and providing the necessary support and opera;on to end-users.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Two teams were recruited in Gdansk and Manila, each with 4 FTEs.
• Significantly increasing capacity from delivering 8 to 16 solu;ons annually thus reducing the ;me-to-data of new solu;on or feature requests.
• Team was trained and organized into a DevOps team with par;cular focus on agile tes;ng, con;nuous delivery/deployment, and strong release management. Team grew increasingly confident resul;ng in efficiency gains as they learned how to collaborate benefiung product owners and end-users.
• Combining agile methodologies with off- and nearshoring capabili;es rendered the re-organiza;on cost-neutral to Maersk as envisioned providing product owners with much needed capacity to meet growing demand for datadriven solu;ons.
Agile Project Management Agile Testing DevOps Change Management Offshoring Agile development Release Management Continuous Delivery Continuous Deployment Cross-team Collaboration

2018-04 - 2018-11

The increased demand for data and data analy;cs leveraging ever-increasing amounts of data had pushed the envelope of the on-premise plaBorm. Services such as Azure ML was cloud-only. Meanwhile, Maersk Drilling had adopted an enterprise-wide cloud migra;on strategy based on cyber security concerns and improved cost-efficiency of cloud services which included the global data plaBorm, BI solu;ons, and advanced analy;cs.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • As Product Owner, Adam was responsible for detailing the expected outcome of the migra;on and ensuring backlog is updated and help the team priori;ze new user stories.
• U;lizing his own DevOps team for the migra;on, Adam was Scrum Master execu;ng all the standard ceremonies especially focusing on retrospec;ves and safeguarding business con;nuity while the migra;on was ongoing.
• Managing stakeholders and ensuring strong communica;on about the impact and benefits of the cloud migra;on and strong cost management.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Massively improved performance and stability, access to new complementary services such as Azure ML Studio, Azure Data Factory and integra;on with offshore drilling plaBorm sensor data/IOT datasets.
• Live migra;on and switch from on-premise to cloud with zero impact to business and end-users, and minimal need for hyper care and responding to cri;cal issues following the migra;on.
• Easy scale-up of resources and on-demand configura;on of tes;ng and UAT environments.
Project Management Cloud transformation Data Migration Change Management BI team manager Training Documentation Microsoft Azure Product owner Product Backlog Cloud transformation of 15

2014-10 - 2016-07

A cornerstone of the company's ambi;on to become data-driven, was a new MicrosoF SQL-powered single-source-of-truth business intelligence plaBorm owned by the centralized BI competence centre designed to deliver repor;ng, analy;cs, selfservice, and training capabili;es throughout the global organiza;on.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Adam was responsible for ensuring the logical, technical, and infrastructure components was architected to support a rapid and sustainable scale-up, scale out, and opera;onal support of BI solu;ons to all business domains and end-user groups, in par;cular offshore drilling crews.
• Leveraging his background as developer and architect from consul;ng, he was responsible for scoping new solu;ons, gathering business requirements, and coaching/signing off on new designs by external BI consultants used for development, tes;ng, and support.
• Adam was responsible for data security architecture and user iden;ty and access management processes (ServiceNow) to support automa;c gran;ng and revoking of access to data and reports which also included confiden;al and sensi;ve data.

2012-01 - 2016-01

OLAP (cube) Repor;ng Service (eventually Power BI) with lower development, tes;ng, UAT and produc;on environment.
• Implemented standard opera;ng procedures for support and access management in Service Now, with service level agreement (SLA) repor;ng and follow-up.
• Centralized all development efforts against standard development guidelines and best-prac;ces for an efficient implementa;on and tes;ng of new solu;ons with focus on ETL job execu;on, date accuracy, and OLAP query performance.
Business Intelligence Dimensional Modeling Release Management Change Management Workshop Facilitation Technical Architecture Access Management Data architecture Microsoft SQL Project Management
Chief Solu;on Architect

2004-04 - 2014-09


2011-11 - 2014-04

Suppor;ng all back-office func;ons globally with data-driven insights based on MicrosoF SQL server products and various repor;ng tools, the global business intelligence department at Rambøll outsourced all architecture and development ac;vi;es to the leading BI consultancy Accobat.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • As chief solu;on architect, Adam was responsible for architec;ng the end-to-end plaBorm, physical mul;- development server environments, scaling, and logical data models leveraging his exper;se on MicrosoF SQL server (20082014), mul;dimensional SSAS technology, and user iden;ty and access management. The plaBorm uses change-data-capture for real-;me repor;ng.
• Lead developer on all modules (Finance, OPEX, CAPEX, HR, Project Management, Opera;ons, Forecas;ng, etc.), deploying rela;onal database and mul;dimensional data models, implemen;ng extract-transform-load (ETL) with MicrosoF SQL Integra;on Services combined with SSAS for the seman;c control and popula;on of front-end reports.
• As the scope of deliverables grew, Adam assumed Project Management responsibili;es deploying and managing his team of 5 FTEs deployed to Rambøll and managing the account.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Delivered state-of-art, real-;me, low-latency BI and repor;ng plaBorm fully integrated with Rambøll's ERP system to create a seamless one-stop-shop enduser experience.
• Real-;me repor;ng allowed for instant repor;ng and reac;on to changes on • Rambøll projects globally cons;tu;ng the key revenue stream for Rambøll.
• Infusing all departments with data, automa;ng all repor;ng thus transforming Rambøll into a data-driven organiza;on.
Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Data architecture Workshop Facilitation Data Migration OLAP Team Management Microsoft SQL Business Intelligence
The Central Administra

2013-05 - 2014-04

on, Finance and Accoun;ng of the Copenhagen University purchased the Prophix CRM soFware from Accobat to budget and forecast all research, educa;onal, and related ac;vi;es driving the cost from all departments.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • As chief solu;on architect, Adam was responsible for designing a solu;on which needed to consolidate a mul;tude of different budge;ng prac;ces and tradi;ons into a coherent model.
• Responsible for project managing the deliverable with the university appointed project manager ensuring it met the budget and ;melines, university capacity constraints were mi;gated, etc.
• Responsible for deploying and direc;ng his team of business analysts, developers, and senior consultants to collect business requirements, implementa;on, training, roll-out, and support.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Introduced a fully digi;zed and system-supported ac;vity-based cos;ng (ABC) method of budge;ng, planning, and scenario-based forecas;ng replacing hundreds of manual Excel workbooks anchored in local planning methods leading to increased efficiency, ;me-savings, and repor;ng on performance management.
of 15 • Established a strategy for the transforma;on of how centralizing and harmonizing budge;ng and planning across departments which has historically enjoyed certain levels of autonomy and power.
• Provided a central, university-wide capability of pro-ac;ve response to resource constraints given changed legisla;ve guidelines and re-priori;za;on of educa;onal resources as the poli;cal landscape changed and demand for educa;onal programs changed accordingly.
Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Data architecture Workshop Facilitation Financial Reporting OLAP Team Management Microsoft SQL Budgeting

2012-07 - 2013-10

Technology purchased Prophix CRM to automate and speed up the financial consolida;on and intercompany consolida;on repor;ng process. Anchored with the CFO of Force responsible for financial opera;ons across Europe and Scandinavia, Force hired Accobat A/S to design, implement, and launch it.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Adam was chief solu;on architect ensuring integra;on with ERP system and correct inter-company elimina;ons and currency conversions from domes;c to global currency.
• Lead team of business analysts and developers to implement, test, and launch solu;on on ;me • Responsible for project management, stakeholder management, and change request management in accordance with the contract terms and condi;ons.
BUSINESS IMPACT: of 15 • Solu;on met requirements for financial consolida;on and intercompany elimina;ons from which a fully consolidated financial statement and balance sheet could be provided.
• All manual processes and Excel workbook were replaced in all legal en;;es while mee;ng local regulatory repor;ng requirements.
• Force enjoyed efficiency gains and reduc;ons in ;me spent on gathering data, consolida;ng in Excel, and on troubleshoo;ng and resolving issues.
Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Data architecture Workshop Facilitation Requirement specs. OLAP Financial Consolidation Microsoft SQL Test

2012-05 - 2013-07

With its rapid global expansion, Pandora implemented a financial and consolida;on solu;on to support its corporate performance management and financial repor;ng. Anchored in Group Finance, Pandora contracted with Accobat to design, implement and roll-out the solu;on globally.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • As the Chief Solu;on Architect, Adam's primary responsibility was to architect a Prophix to provide financial consolidated statements mee;ng complex financial regula;on on transfer-pricing, invested capital, cash flow, and foreign exchange rate implica;ons • Supported by his team, Adam was lead consultant responsible for implemen;ng, tes;ng, and rolling out the solu;on ensuring it met performance and repor;ng requirements • Implemen;ng down-stream and up-stream ETL integra;ons with financial, commercial, and business intelligence systems.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • Pandora was able to centralize repor;ng, collect the necessary informa;on from affiliates into the parent company in a structured and standardized way while elimina;ng the error-prone approach of relying on complex Excel workbooks.
• They had access to ;mely informa;on in ;me for quarterly and annual repor;ng on company performance.
Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Data architecture Workshop Facilitation Team Management OLAP Financial Consolidation Microsoft SQL Financials
Hennes & Mauritz

2011-05 - 2012-05

was implemen;ng a new project and resource planning, forecas;ng, and repor;ng system for its 3000 employees. They chose Prophix CRM provided by Accobat as the standard func;onality meet all business requirements while being sufficiently customizable to meet new requirements as they evolved.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Adam was Project Manager responsible for planning, resource management, and execu;on repor;ng to the client project manager ensuring all contract obliga;ons were implemented.
• Together with a 4 FTE development team Adam was Solu;on Architect responsible for analysing, designing, prototyping, and ensuring solu;on was installed and configured, tested, and rolled out.
• As Lead developer Adam ensured non-standard func;onality was implemented to meet H&M business requirements around resource pool management and upstream data integra;on.
BUSINESS IMPACT: of 15 • Launching the largest Prophix solu;on globally, H&M consolidated all ongoing and planned IT projects in one solu;on with new forecas;ng capabili;es for improved transparency on resource requirements and bollenecks.
• Automa;c collec;on of actual hours and project consump;on replaced a legacy ;me registra;on system and consolidated the data in Prophix reducing legacy cost and opera;onal maintenance.
• Upstream data integra;on of consolidated project OPEX and CAPEX to global SAP financial system.
Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Requirements Specs. Workshop Facilitation Test OLAP Data Migration Microsoft SQL Test Planning

2010-11 - 2011-05

The Business Development department at Post Nord wanted to build a new business intelligence solu;on using the Danish soFware TARGIT to assist with the strategic planning and implementa;on of new product development ini;a;ves in logis;c services.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Adam was responsible for gathering business requirements and designing a business intelligence solu;on using MicrosoF SQL combined with TARGIT as front-end tools.
• Responsible for technical implementa;on and configura;on of the business intelligence solu;on with ETL workflows, OLAP model implementa;on, and reports in TARGIT • Provided training and suppor;ng training material in TARGET to internal users.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • The solu;on was quickly anchored to support both product development as well as provide opera;onal and financial analysis.
• The solu;on was unique in its design as it integrated actual data from the main SAP plaBorm introducing completely new ways of implemen;ng user-friendly and more cost-effec;ve means for business intelligence and repor;ng.
Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Requirements Specs. Workshop Facilitation Test OLAP Data Migration Microsoft SQL Business Intelligence

2010-04 - 2010-11

Georg Jensen implemented Prophix CRM to improve processes, increase transparency, and improve the forecas;ng and financial repor;ng. A key feature was accurate cost of goods sold (COGS) calcula;ons and understanding the impact on its financials by fluctua;ons in currency exchange rates.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • Adam was chief solu;on architect ensuring the en;re profit and loss (P&L) and balance sheet integrated financial data from its ERP system, correct currency conversion module, and automa;ng all COGS calcula;ons with its impact in revised forecasts and budgets.
• Lead team of business analysts and developers to implement, test, and launch solu;on on ;me.
• Responsible for project management, stakeholder management, and change request management in accordance with the contract terms and condi;ons.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • The solu;on supported the en;re retail sec;on end-to-end with streamlined processes which ensured a ;mely and accurate delivery of input for budge;ng and planning.
• Retail sec;on, including all stores, received detailed forecasts for sales and cost allowing them to take pro-ac;ve measures.
• Eliminated exis;ng manual setup with Excel workbooks highly error-prone resul;ng in reac;ve responses to budgets and forecasts.
of 15 Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Data architecture Workshop Facilitation Team Management OLAP Financial Consolidation Microsoft SQL Financials

2005-08 - 2007-07

Adam was responsible for implemen;ng a balanced scorecard and business intelligence solu;on suppor;ng the business development division of TDC Mobile in developing a business forecast model to predict fluctua;ons in mobile minutes consump;on of the Danish mobile communica;on market.
RESPONSIBILITIES: • As Business Analyst, Adam was responsible for gathering business requirements and designing a business intelligence solu;on using the MicrosoF BI-stack for end-users with repor;ng and analy;cal capabili;es.
• Responsible for technical implementa;on and configura;on of the business intelligence solu;on • Provided training and suppor;ng training material to TDC Mobile users.
BUSINESS IMPACT: • The solu;on was the first end-to-end repor;ng and analy;cal solu;on combining all relevant data into a onestop-shop with easy naviga;on and drilldown func;onality refreshed daily with recent data on mobile minute consump;on.
• The forecas;ng model leveraged historical data to assist business development teams to understand and iden;fy consumer behavior and trends in mobile communica;on used to develop and market new products.
• The solu;on showcased how new cost-effec;ve BI repor;ng tools from MicrosoF in a rela;vely short ;meframe be implemented providing superior performance and end-user experience compared to tradi;onal repor;ng solu;ons from SAP and SAS.
Project management Stakeholder management Technical architecture Requirements Specs. Workshop Facilitation Test OLAP Data Migration Microsoft SQL Business Intelligence
BI consultant

2004-03 - 2006-08

Adam re-joined Accobat following his PhD responsible for expanding the Business Intelligence and CPM Consul;ng division by overseeing delivery to the growing mid-market and enterprise clients across mul;ple industry ver;cals, incorpora;ng best prac;ces, and iden;fying new relevant BI and CPM technologies. Assis;ng in Pre-Sales and senior management ac;vi;es.

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