Senior Mainframe developer Skåne län, Sverige

Might be available

(Updated 2024-03-19)

Senior Mainframe developer

Skåne län, Sverige

Native Danish, Svenska, Fluent English, Beginner Spanish

  • Nearly 20 years of mainframe experience
  • A top informal leader
  • Excellent analytical skills

Skills (14)















Professional Experience

Mainframe Developer

2023-03 - Present

Systems Developer

2011-05 - 2012-06

Role: Systems developer o Duration: 1 year I was hired as a systems developer/analyst, Tools used: Cobol, MFE, Easytrieve, DB2, SQL, JCL, Batch and MVS.

Systems Developer, Contractor

2008-03 - 2009-03


The project was an ongoing project and had already been implemented for several countries. Now the time had come for Norway and I was preparing programs for the Norwegian version. It included analysing the systems and preparing the data for the new system.

Tools: I programmed in COBOL, using DB2 and SQL. The development was done in Endevour.

Testing was done using Testdirector.

 Xpediter and Web-interfaces.

Analysing documents were created in Word, Excel and Microsoft Visio.

Systems Developer
Danske Bank, Glostrup

2004-02 - 2006-02

Subprojects o Conversion of two Irish Banks Role: Analyst / developer Duration: 1 year This was a high priority project with high attention from the bigger part of the financial world.

In the beginning of the project I was doing analysis on the sending systems in Ireland. Later in the project I had a lot of coordinating roles for both: Test director (defects), the programming of conversion programs for: Accounts, Balances and Cheques and other needed coordinating roles.

I was a part of a group that was supposed to create a conversion framework which was supposed to be reused in another conversion.

The conversion was considered to have been a success.

Tools: I programmed in COBOL, using DB2 and SQL.

Testing was done using Testdirector(test cases), Xpediter and Web-interfaces.

Analysing documents were created in Word, Excel and Microsoft Visio.


Analyst/ Developer Role: Creating a web-interface for fee Duration: 9 months A project started from scratch with analysis, programming and testing. I was one of the systems developers with responsibility for creation of web-interface and coordinating with the consultant that did some of the Mainframe programming.

The project ended with a successful implementation.

Tools: Programming was primarily done in PL/1 and COBOL, using DB2 and SQL. Also HTML and JavaScript was used.

Testing was done with Xpediter and Web-interfaces.

Analysing documents were created in Word and Excel.

Conversion of a Luxembourgian bank Role: Analyst / Developer Duration: 1 Year At the start of the project I did a lot of analysis of the systems.

I was a systems developer with responsibility for converting: accounts, interests, bal-ances and customers. Therefore I had a coordinating role for a couple of developers.

The conversion was considered to have been a success.

Tools: Programming was primarily done in PL/1 and COBOL, using DB2 and SQL.

Testing was done using Xpediter and CICS interfaces.

Analysing documents were created in Word and Excel.

o Conversion of a Swedish Bank Role: Analyst / Developer Duration: 1 year I was a systems developer with responsibility for converting accounts from the Swed-ish system to the Danske Bank platform.

The conversion was considered to have been a success.

Tools: Programming was primarily done in PL/1, using DB2 and SQL.

Testing was done using Xpediter and CICS interface.

Team Manager

2021-10 - 2023-03

o Role: Team Manager o Duration: 15 months o Department: CRM development - Dynamics I started this role to be challenged more in my leadership. I have gotten the responsibility for 16 employees. In this responsibility lies the coaching of them, helping them add to their competence and also to remove obstacles for the team. I am part of the operational leader group where we talk strategy and goals for the delivery side of the organisation. I also have the responsibility to make sure we have the certifications needed to be a partner at Microsoft. Besides that we are a small company with a lot of different responsibilities in our roles. I have a high mandate to take decisions for my team and the path we are on.
Deputy Manager

2019-03 - 2021-09

Duration: 2,5 years o Department: Digital customer meeting Mobile I started this role as a temp for one of the deputy managers on this area. After 6 months we had an organizational restructure and I was offered the role permanently. As I was a part of the restructuring I have had experience in handling employees affected by this and also in trying to figure out the best way to setup the teams. We are working in an agile environment and also have teams working in a SAFe framework. I am very familiar with the SCRUM agile methodology and have a fair knowledge with SAFe framework. I have a SCRUM Master certification. The daily work here includes responsibility of 16 employees, having personal development talks with the developers, testers and scrum masters, talking strategies for the department, making sure we know what rules and regulations to follow.

Title: System Responsible

Systems Developer

2012-07 - 2018-12

Role: Systems developer, Systems responsible, Functions responsible, Project Manager o Duration: 6 years 5 months I was hired as a systems developer/analyst, but after only 1 year I became system responsible for one of the more heavy systems in IMS Transactions. We have direct contact with both internet and mobile private pages. The system also has a big part of Swish in Handelsbanken. I am responsible for the jobs to be done in my system. I have economical responsibility as well and I have 2,5 people that I have to see with work. I have to plan, what my system is going to do. I have played a big part of Swish's architecture and structure in the bank.

Tools used: Cobol, MFE, Easytrieve, DB2, SQL, JCL, Batch and MVS.

Systems developer
Credit Systems Danske Bank

2011-08 - 2012-05

1st of August 2011 - 30th of May 2012 Systems Developer, Contractor, Credit Systems, Danske Bank, Ejby Denmark o Role: Systems developer/analyst Duration: 10 months This is an ongoing project. My job is to maintain and develop new services for the Credit Systems. We were working with Scrum so I learned a lot about Scrum during this year.
Tools used: PL/1, DB2, SQL, JCL, Batch and MVS.
Systems developer
H&M Mailorder

2010-08 - 2011-05

1st of August 2010 - 30th of May 2011 Systems Developer, Contractor, H&M Mailorder online, Borås o Role: Systems developer/analyst Duration: 10 months This is an ongoing project. My job is to maintain and develop new services for the Start system and even for the online shop. This is used worldwide but currently in 8 countries. They are having a goal stating to be represented online in as many countries as they have shops. I was also participating in projects, analysing how to implement the system in new countries, even doing the coding.
Tools used: PL/1, DB2, DL1, SQL, JCL, Batch and MVS.
Systems Developer, Contractor

2010-01 - 2010-07

Ballerup Subprojects o KMD A-Refusion - Create a new system Role: Systems developer/analyst Duration: 7 months The project has been started due to a new law in Denmark that states that the communes in Denmark has to pay back money to the state whenever they don't activate people without work. This system has to calculate informations received from the different involved parties.

My role in the project was initally to be a part of the analyse project where we analysed the system, how it was to be setup so that it could handle the requirements and how it was to be developed. The group was also part of the normal analysing project. Later in the project the group transformed to the developing team. We devekoped the software and setup all aspects of the system. By law, the project has to be finished by 28th of February 2010 where it is to ran for the first time.

Tools used: PL/1, DB2, SQL, JCL, Batch and MVS. Quality Center for testing purposes and defect mode.

Maintaining and developing new services to Opera.

Role: Systems developer/analyst Duration: 2 years This is an ongoing project. My job is to maintain and develop new services for the Opera program. This program is used in Jobcenters in Denmark. It keeps track of unemployed people and helps the advisors to get people back in the workplace.

Tools: I programme in PL1, using DB2 and SQL. Spufi's are also used. JCL and MVS.

Testing is done using Qualitycenter, Intertest and Web-interfaces.

Analysing documents are created in Word, Excel and Microsoft Visio.

Systems developer

2007-06 - 2010-06

Systems developer

2007-01 - 2007-05

Systems developer
Danske Bank

2001-12 - 2006-12

Contact contractor
