Senior javautecklare Stockholms län, Sverige

Might be available

(Updated 2020-04-25)

Senior javautecklare

Stockholms län, Sverige

Intermediate English

  • Spring and Spring Boot
  • Apache Kafka
  • Java

Skills (40)






Spring Boot





System Developer










Material UI


Apache Camel



















I am an experienced IT Consultant within system development. 
During the years of my professional active time I have had roles as  Senior System Developer, Solutions Architect, Development Manager and Consultant Manager. 

Despite the different roles, technology is my focus. "Coding is still very fun". 

Professional Experience

Senior utvecklare

2018-08 - 2020-04

Kambi is a company that supplies sports betting systems to customers like Unibet, ATG, Casumo, Leo Vegas, 888 Sport, Draft Kings etc.
Kambi is a "technology-heavy" company with development departments in a number of countries. The largest department is located in Stockholm.
The staff is mixed with people from a lot of countries. The official language is English.
Anders is one of the senior developers in a newly started team of 4 developers and 1 tester, Team Bird.
The task of the team is to provide system support to manage risk (manage risk for gaming companies). This is done by developing systems to profile the players based on behavior and placed games.
The team is also working on developing an architecture to do this in "real time".

Development both backend and frontend (customer support).

Java 11, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Apache Kafka Streams, PostgreSQL, Hazelcast, Intellij, Git, Maven, Jenkins, React, Easy-Peasy, Material UI.
Senior developer
Länsförsäkringar Bank

2017-10 - Present

Länsförsäkringar Bank performs "heart surgery" and switches core system from Entra to BaNCS. Within that work, the integration layer needs to reimplemented to the new system.
Integrations like Swish, Mobilt BankID, loan, account, card etc.

Anders is one of the senior developers.
Solutions architect, NCG

2016-01 - 2017-10

(IT-Huset and LeetLab)
2016-01 -> 2017-10
NCG takes a new decision not to roll out the foreign ticketing system. Instead, we are focusing on the current system, now named BOSS.

Anders is a solution architect for BOSS and is responsible for developing a plan for modernization and preparing the system for demands from the new countries.

NCG's chief architect launches an Architectural Board where he represents the ticketing system. A great deal of work in the board is spent reviewing solutions and developing sustainable architectural strategies. Other members of the board represent integration platform, BI, web and mobile.

A lot of work is also spent together with operations. Developing a plan for migration from platform IBM AIX to Ubuntu.

During this period Anders composes a Software Architecture Document (SAD) for BOSS. The document contains current architecture as well as a plan for modernization. The plan included a strategy for a move to a microservice based architecture with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

For integration between BOSS and other systems, a "message solution" is presented. Anders installs and configure RabbitMQ (exchanges, queues, access rights) as a HA (high availability) solution.

Focus is also on performance hence a large number of load tests was developed, run and analyzed.

Anders proposes Redis as a solution for fast access of data and sets it up as a HA (high availability) solution with help of Sentinel and Jedis.
Consulting Manager, IT-Huset

2015-01 - 2017-07

Java 8, Spring, Spring JPA, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, RabbitMQ, Redis, Sentinel, Jedis, Swagger, Liquibase, Ubuntu, ZebraTester, Appdynamics, Git, Maven, Artifactory, Ansible, Systemd, Jenkins, SOAP, REST, Maven, Git, JavaFX, JUnit, Intellij, servlets, XML, XSD, AIX, IBM ISeries, IBM DB2.

Consulting Manager, IT-Huset
2015-01 -> 2017-07
Consulting manager for a Java team of 12 consultants in parallel with the role of a hired consultant.
Being a consultant manager included taking part of IT-Husets management planning and strategy work, conducting monthly meetings with the team members and having competence discussions with each member of the team.
Solutions architect and senior developer
NCG (IT-Huset)

2014-01 - 2015-12

NCG decides to implement a new ticketing from Germany, "Dolphin", in all countries.

In parallel with preparations and adaptations of that system, Anders worked with further development of the current ticketing system.
One project that stuck out a little extra was the development of a completely new application for Back Office management. The application handled, among other things, all product handling (candy, soda, etc.), menu management, property handling of POS and ATM etc.

In addition, a completely new solution for tickets was developed based on a reference number. The reference number is represented as an Aztec code that can be scanned in POS and ATM.

Spring, Spring JPA, Apache Camel, Hibernate, Dart, Angular, SOAP, REST, Maven, Git, Jenkins, Artifactory, J2EE, EJB, JavaFX, Apache CXF, Applet, JUnit, Intellij, IBM Websphere Application Server 8, IBM Rational Application Developer, JSON, XML, XSD, AIX, IBM ISeries, IBM DB2.
Senior developer and solutions architect, SF Bio/NCG (IT-Huset)
NCG, the Nordic Cinema Group

2012-02 - 2013-12

is formed.
NCG now includes cinemas in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

In parallel with normal development, we focused on how the ticketing system could be modernized, to prepare a rollout throughout the NCG, as one option of several..
A number of POCs were conducted to verify the proposed strategy.

With the help of the team Anders raised 3 key documents; Developer's Guide, Non-Functional Requirements, and a document that presented a suggested architecture.

The documents included areas such as modularization, data migration, protocols, caching, load handling, frameworks, data format, error management, endpoints version management, security, event handling ,scheduling, developer test strategy, testing automation etc

Java EE, EJB, Apache Camel, Hibernate, Spring, SOAP, REST, Maven, Git, Jenkins, Artifactory, JavaFX, Apache CXF, Applet, JUnit, IBM Websphere Application Server 8, IBM Rational Application Developer, Eclipse, servlets, XML, XSD, AIX, IBM ISeries, IBM DB2
Senior developer, SF Bio (IT-Huset)

2009-08 - 2012-02

There has been mixed development over the years, but three projects have been of a somewhat larger character.

Anders worked with implementing SOA-based solution for underwent an architectural change in which business logic against partners was rewritten to web services based on SOAP. Earlier CMS was retired and replaced with EPiServer. A large number of endpoints was developed to support movies, showlists, deal reservation, purchase and discount management (corporate tickets, gift cards, discount cards, club cards, credit cards) and much more.
Not only was using the new web services, but also iOS and Android platforms. One important task was to obtain version handling of the endpoints.

As a step in improving security and opening up for new payment options in the future, Anders replaced the payment provider, for all purchase channels. POS and ATM integrations towards the card terminals were redesigned and redeveloped.

During the period, the ticket system was adapted to norwegian requirements, and was rolled out in Norway.

J2EE, EJB, Spring, SOAP, REST, Apache CXF, Applet, JUnit, IBM Websphere Application Server 7, IBM Rational Application Developer, Eclipse, servlets, XML, XSD, Ant, AIX, iSeries I5R4, DB2.
Senior developer, SF Bio (IT-Huset)

2008-09 - 2009-08

management and new development at SF Bio.
Among other things, Anders conducted a preliminary study and developed a prototype for monitoring the Biomat with SNMP and Nagios, performance optimizations for (improved caching, smarter data flow and transaction adjustments) and developed a global solution for SF Bios Internationalization of all central systems.

In addition, he worked with task of modulating the web applications that were included in the solution for with improved structure and a clearer definition of the tasks of the modules in question.

Anders was also involved in implementing an agile approach to development and the introduction of Scrum.
IBM Rational Application Developer

2008-04 - 2008-09

Eclipse, Jpos/JavaPos, SACI (from Zamsos, EMV middleware) servlets, JSP, Taglibs, Ajax, XML, XSD, Ant, AIX, I5, DB2

Parental leave
2008-04 -> 2008-09
Senior utvecklare
SF Bio

2007-04 - 2008-03

During this period, Anders assisted new employees at SF Bio to understand existing architecture, innovate solutions for new development, and develop a strategy for release management.
In addition, he set up an internal testing environment for SF Bio with IBM Websphere Application Express and IBM Websphere Application Server 6 Network Deploy, and developed building script for essentially all web applications.

As a developer, he worked to develop a new shopping station. The development included flow / navigation, business logic and hardware integration with printer, scanner and card terminal. An important part of the work consisted of implementing a new general payment solution for chip cards, EMV (Europay Mastercard Visa).

Development for

Anders also acted as a technical ballboard against the operating organization.
IBM Rational Application Developer

2006-08 - 2007-03

Eclipse, Jpos/JavaPos, SACI (from Zamsos, EMV middleware) servlets, JSP, Taglibs, Ajax, XML, XSD, Ant, AIX, I5, DB2.

Developer, Unibet (IT-Huset)
2006-08 -> 2007-03
Anders was one of the developers in the "Unibet Payment Team". He worked with developing new payment solutions for "".
His primary assignment was to implement a solution for a branded Unibet Meastro Card. With that card, users can transfer profits to the card and withdraw cash from a cash machine, or shop with the card.

Other types of payment solutions were MoneyBooker, Neteller, PayPal etc.

Furthermore, he worked with solutions to verify the users identity like integration against UC and Verfied by Visa.

J2EE, EJB, Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Oracle, BEA Weblogic, Eclipse, servlets, JSP, Taglibs, Struts, XML, XSD.
Developer, SF Bio
POS (Swing), web, and voice for cinemas

2005-05 - 2006-08

Development of purchase systems, POS (Swing), web, and voice for cinemas.

Anders worked primarily with the development of
He also worked with development of SF Bio's CMS.

At peak times, SF Bio has a large number of visitors to its website. An important task was optimization of performance as well as finding effective solutions for caching and sharing data in the clustered environment.

Anders was also responsible for coordinating the work of hired consultants.

J2EE, EJB, IBM WSAD, IBM Websphere, IBM AIX, IBM iSeries, IBM DB2, Zeus, SQL Server, Tomcat, Servlets, JSP, Taglibs, Struts, Eclipse 3.1, XML, XSD, Swing.
Development manager and developer, Open Training

2000-10 - 2005-05

Anders worked as a Developer and Development Manager for a number of java products. Anders had product and quality responsibility as well as responsibility for version management and choice of technology.

The most important product, "Learning Management System", was based on J2EE technology focusing on JSP, Servlets and JavaBeans.

Installation of Learngate involved integration with other systems, such as Single Sign On, user data synchronization, course history import etc.

Learngate was sold to clients like Ericsson, Volvo, Stock Ex (OM), Jetpak, TBV, Stockholm VW/AUDI/SEAT/SKODA, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Folksam and Vattenfall. Many installations had a user base between 20.000 to 40.000 users.

Java/J2EE, Java Beans, Servlets, JSP, WebService, Single Sign On, LDAP, Open Source, XML, Swing, Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, IBM Websphere, Tomcat, JRun, Resin, XML
Developer, OM E*Trade
Financial Components

2000-03 - 2000-10

Development of system (product), Fondue, to the financial world and used by OM, E*Trade, etc. In Fondue it was possible to buy and sell funds. The Fondue project was a project where system integration with surrounding systems was an important part of the development tasks.

Java/J2EE, EJB, Weblogic, IBM DB2, Swing

Hobby project
FalkTime 3.0
Time reporting tool..

Spring Boot, Firebase, Angular 2/5, RabbitMQ, Spring WebFlux, Docker, Jenkins, JFrog,

Google Cloud
Playing around with Google Cloud deploying Spring Boot applications.

Mobile application dealing with matches and player substitutions. The application can be used for all team sports. It suggests player substitutions based on previous matches statistics.

Ionic2, Angular 2, Firebase, Typescript

FalkTime 2.0
Time reporting tool.

Vaadin, Spring Boot, REST, JPA

Academic Background

Uppsala University
Uppsala University

2020-04 - 2000-01

Kalmar College
Kalmar College

2020-04 - 2000-01

Stockholm University
Stockholm University

2020-04 - 1999-01


Scrum Master
Java 2 Developer
Java 8
Coach to Coach
Google Cloud On Board
Google Cloud
2017, 2018
A couple of days with seminars and "hands-on" exercises

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