Lead Developer / Technical Advisor Copenhagen

Might be available

(Updated 2023-10-07)

Lead Developer / Technical Advisor


Native Danish, English

  • 12+ Years of Development Experience
  • Technical Management of 30man team
  • Full-Stack developer

Skills (13)















This profile represents an experienced Technical Advisor with a deep-rooted passion for assisting startups and scale-ups in their technical journey. With a background spanning various platforms, team leadership, and product-focused development, there's a unique blend of strategy and hands-on technical know-how. A recent emphasis has been placed on workflow optimization, harnessing the power of advanced tools like GPT-3/4 to redefine development paradigms and deliver efficient, modern solutions.

Professional Experience

Technical Project Manager

2021-01 - 2022-01

After completing delivering the initial version of the ComplyCloud application, the company was scaling dramatically when it comes to tech-employees to meet new strategic goals. With having grown a strong understanding of the requirements and goals, through developing the platform, I took on responsibility to plan and scope features and projects so they could be planned for.
Additionally my involvement with the application and ComplyCloud grew and I was heavily involved in building and hiring the core of our tech-department moving forward. This was during a second and third Covid lock- down, structuring remote work and building culture as we were scaling our team.
During my tenure as this position, we moved from 2 in-house developers (and 1 off-shore team) to 2 full in- house teams (and 1 off-shore team) with additional two teams planned for 2022.
At the start of 2022, I moved back to a purer Lead Developer role, maintaining the lead-role for the Frontend Developers, and prioritize the technical growth of the product in line with the business goals.
Lead Developer (Frontend)

2020-09 - 2023-01

Initially hired in as a consultant to build the ComplyCloud App as a single Frontend Developer, a feature rich application for GDPR- documentation and data-overview.

The primary focus points for developing the platform was - modern, scalability, stable, easy. As I was solo on the framework, it was important that the framework was adoptable by another developer without much introduction. Of framework concerns, it was making sure that the stack was positioned to scale - almost infinitely - and maintain stability.

Software Developer (Consultancy / Freelance)
Eag (Freelance)

2014-01 - 2023-08

In 2014 I started out as a games-developer consultant while I was finishing up my Masters in Media- Technology. This continued on-off for the next six years, as I slowly moved from Games, to AR-applications, to dashboard development.

Through my time as a consultant, I've grown to learn different team-dynamics, and what encourage and motivate a team to do the extra and make the product that the customers deserve.

Consultancy Projects Web development (Website) Copenhagen, Denmark (Oct-Dec, 2019) Development of React / Next.js / Typescript frontend application for a digital-bureau.

I took on a task, working with a small team of in-house developers, on delivering a project at the final development stage. I was brought in as a developer that could immediately apply my skills, get onboarded quickly and deliver a product before a very short deadline.

AR-Application (Unity, Android, iOS)

Academic Background

M.Sc in Media-Technology
Aalborg University

2022-10 - 2016-01

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