Might be available
(Updated 2020-11-24)iOS Expert
Stockholms län, Sverige
Native Svenska, English, Turkish, Spanish
- API, Database, Backend, Web, C and more
- System Development, 10 years
- Swift, 6 years
Skills (18)
lock system.
Tech: Swift, CocoaPods, Git, Gitlab CI, SonarQube,
I am meticulous, analytical and Sourcetree, Xcode, Bluetooth, JIRA/Confluence, Scrum.
creative, I can readily find and see
solutions to new problems. I am
also social and find it easy to
communication with people. EDUCATION
Broad and experienced developer, TECHNOLOGY AND REAL-TIME PROGRAMMING
I can label myself Full Stack, but I KTH, Royal Institute of Technology 2004 - 2007
have focused almost exclusively
on Swift & iOS the past 5 years. MAIN SKILLS
Swift, Xcode, Cocoapods Agile methods (Scrum), JIRA
XHTML, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS Git, Gitlab CI, SonarQube
Professional Experience
2020-01 - Present
existing apps. The growth team's objective is acquiring and activating new users and improving engagement from existing
users. This is done with a cross-functional team of producer,
developers, analyst and graphic designer. Working in an agile
manner, A/B testing, DevOps. Helping to improved existing
tools and processes on and on-going basis.
2020-08 - Present
2020-03 - 2020-08
8 in total. Local and off-shore resources. The app is built in
LUIS Flutter, backend Firebase, Kotlin, GCP. Luis is one of 3 backend
developers. The app will manage the bidding process when
buying a new home.
2014-08 - 2020-02
CLIQ Go is an app used by system admins to manage keys
MOBILE APP and cylinders in a managed key system.
DEVELOPER CLIQ Connect is an app for end-users, having a bluetooth
key to lock/unlock cylinders, to update said key, and to perform online/offline functionality.
CLIQ Connect SDK is a library, distributed in binary form, for third party apps wishing to integrate with Assa Abloy's
2013-03 - 2014-07
Development of a web service based on REST, which will
distribute the access rights (to open locks) to users of the system.
Tech: Java/J2EE, PostgreSQL, Git, Apache Tomcat, Teamcity,
SonarQube, Intellij IDEA, JIRA, Scrum.
2014-01 - 2014-01
2012-03 - 2013-04
2010-12 - 2012-02
2012-01 - 2012-01
Tech: Java/J2EE, Spring/Spring MVC, Hibernate, JSP/JSTL,
Jboss, MS-SQL 2008, Eclipse, Subversion, HTML, jQuery, Web
2007-10 - 2011-02
2010-01 - 2010-01
Eniro Deals, a homepage with new daily deails. Using PayEx as payment provider. Nordic markets, and developed both
Android and iPhone applickations.
Tech: TeknikJava/J2EE, Struts, JSON, Eclipse, Subversion,
DEVELOPER Subeclipse, Ant, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, WebServices,
Scrum, JIRA
Fullstack developer at Memory.nu, a webpage and smartphone apps to upload and share photos, videos, notes
Tech: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Visual Studio 2008, SVN, Nunit,
Nhibernate, MS-Sql, Scrum
2007-06 - 2007-10
2007-01 - 2007-01
web related projects.
Tech: Java/J2EE, C#, .NET, JavaScript, JQuery, Tomcat, MySQL and more.