Fullstackutvecklare Skåne län, Sweden

Might be available

(Updated 1+ year ago)


Skåne län, Sweden

Native Svenska, Fluent English

  • 10+ års erfarenhet av CMS (TYPO3)
  • 10+ års erfarenhet av PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, REST API, CSS, HTML
  • 10+ års erfarenhet av Linux

Skills (13)

Professional Experience

my social network

2013-01 - Present

Professional summary
Since 2013, I have run my own consulting business. So far as a side job, where I have taken assignments from sources in my social network. Now I want to expand and invest more as a full-time entrepreneur. During my years I have done lots of web pages and also built advanced systems for customers such as IP-Only, Tele2 and more. My expertise lies, apart from advanced web solutions, mainly in creating connections that allow different systems to talk to each other.

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