Fullstackutveckare och OIDC expoert Vårgårda, Sweden

Might be available

(Updated 2024-02-12)

Fullstackutveckare och OIDC expoert

Vårgårda, Sweden

Native Svenska, English

  • OpenID Connect
  • DevOps
  • JavaScript/TypeScript

Skills (13)








OpenID Connect






Professional Experience

2024-02 - Present

From most recent (current) to least recent * Marigold - As the DevOps team lead and manager I've been leading a globally distributed team. My role included managing people, making decisions about our infrastructure and development tasks.
* Xenit - As the first developer I've had a very varied role where I've done everything from architecture to implementation of minor tools and automations and working with kubernetes.
* Sigma, MyTeam - Developer consultant leading frontend development.
* I was in the "architect group" where we discussed architecture for the different projects we worked on and decided on technology we wanted to use going forward.
* We did multiple "lunch and learns" where I talked about everything from React to ReasonML * Sigma, Maverick - Developer consultant and tech lead of different projects * Viskan distanshandel - Building e-commerce frontends for large customers in Sweden Open Source Most of my open source contributions is done via GitHub My projects * OIDC - Certified OpenID connect client implementation and base library * JOSE - JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption, JWT, JWS, JWE and JWK * Cookie - Parsing and printing Cookies for web servers * Morph - A web framework * redemon - A filewatcher and command runner, nodemon replacement * reenv - A very fast dotenv replacement Noteworthy contributions * Esy / Reason ecosystem * I have spent a lot of time setting up good CI/CD with Azure Pipelines (and to some extent Github Actions) for esy projects that is used a lot in the Reason community

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