Embedded Developer Gävle

Might be available

(Updated 2024-04-19)

Embedded Developer


Native Svenska, English

  • Scrum Master
  • Embedded
  • Java specialist

Skills (13)













Power Amplifier


Employee #1 has studied 2 years on a vocational university programme in Java Development.

The programme prepared Employee #1 with the tools needed to directly dive into the development process of a project, and with the skills to see the project’s lifecycle through.

During his studies, which are designed to represent the actual practices of a workplace,

Employee #1 has held the role of SCRUM MASTER for projects and led the development process of projects from start to finish with success.

Employee #1 is as dedicated to his work as he was to his studies, where Employee #1 under multiple occasions represented the Java Development programme on university board meetings.

Syntronic learned to know Employee #1 during the LIA-periods and projects that he did at Syntronic during his internships on behalf of his education, where he led his own Java Enterprise project that has since been used by Syntronic daily.

Apart from the client projects Employee #1 has played an important part of, he has also been undertaking a teaching role for trainees at the Syntronic office.

We therefore give Employee #1 our warmest recommendations.

Professional Experience

Embedded test system
Ericsson AB

2021-01 - Present

Application development of an embedded test system, used by Ericsson to run various hardware and software tests on radio devices in production. This is a substantial project consisting of numerous developers from all over the world. The project gave operative experience of working in a larger development team. The coding languange used in the project is almost exclusively C++.

Test Automation Application
Ericsson AB

2018-01 - 2021-01

Development of a windows application for Ericsson AB. Primarily used by Power Amplifier Hardware Engineers in the power amplifier labs throughout Sweden, Canada and China. The application was developed to be used as a tool to assist in running various tests on the amplifier throughout the amplifier development. The coding languange used in the project was almost exclusively Python.

backend server

2018-01 - 2018-01

Applications use-case is data-tracking with various tools to iterate over the logging values of Nilar battery units, achieved by visualization using different graph formats, or by reading the raw data-output.
Java EE Web Application 2017- 2018 Web application to ease the process of writing vehicle journals for company vehicles at Syntronic, as well as an automatic way to generate custom reports of their usage and various administrative functions. Developed and designed by Employee #1 using Java EE, MySQL, XHTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Android Application Syntact 2018 Application designed to connect people from Syntronic with individuals who takes an interest in the company at conventions.
Employee #1 took over as lead developer for the project with the goal of fine-tuning the application and taking it from the development stage to an acceptable working product.
Android Appliction for ID card managment 2017 Application designed to be used at receptions to keep track of temporary ID badges for visiting parties at Syntronic. Developed and designed by Employee #1 using Android Java, PHP, SQLite and MySQL.

Academic Background

Vocational University

2016-01 - 2018-01

Contact contractor
