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(Updated 2022-06-12)Digital Specialist
Stockholm, Sweden
Beginner Svenska
- Webb, Design och media
- Marknadsföring och CX
- Digital och fysisk försäljning
Skills (6)
I'm hired for a wide range of various services within digital
transformation/digitalisation such as implementation of sophisticated
tools and platforms that helps businesses most effectively
use digital technology. This includes leading and coordinating
the implementation of technical solutions for and within Web,
E-commerce, CRM (e.g newsletters, email automation and
personalisation), Research/Design of customised Customer and
User Experience journeys (CX/UX), Media production, video
editing, and social media management. It also includes leading
an agenda/sprint for developing highly efficient digital standard
operating procedures for internal workflows. E.g sales and marketing
activities, information management, employe onboarding, digital
conferences and events, customer relationships, cloud storage,
electronic signatures and more. Services also includes advising and
coordinating both inbound and outbound marketing activities such as
social media campaigns, Google Ads, SEO strategies and beyond.
Professional Experience
2022-01 - Present
2018-05 - Present
Antler Cohort STO6 augusti 2021 - december 2021 (5 månader) Stockholm, Sverige
2017-01 - 2018-01
2014-01 - 2017-01
2014-01 - 2015-01
2014-01 - 2014-01
2011-01 - 2013-01
2010-01 - 2011-01
Academic Background
2025-03 - 2025-03
2008-01 - 2011-01
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