Desarrollador senior ASP.NET Core+React Lleida, Spain

Might be available

(Updated 2023-07-05)

Desarrollador senior ASP.NET Core+React

Lleida, Spain

Native Catalan; Valencian, Spanish, Fluent English

  • 10 años experiencia ASP.NET
  • 1.5 año en React
  • 6 años esperiencia .NET Core

Skills (32)

Continuous Integration



.NET Core









Entity Framework









.NET 4.5











Professional Experience


2021-10 - Present

Senior developer and consultant in Microsoft technologies FUNCTIONS Analysis of the infrastructure and customer needs, subsequent solution proposal and its implementation.
TECHNOLOGIES ● .NET 3.1, 5, 6 & 7 ● React .JS (TypeScript) ● ASP.NET Core (2.1, 3.1, 5, 6 & 7) ● SQL Server ● K8S ● Azure DevOps (CI & CD) ● IAM & IdentityServer PROJECTS
CTO of my partner's company

2021-10 - Present

and I'm developing a platform in order to fetch all the IOT device's data, process, raise alarms depending on domain rules and storing that data efficiently. Ultimately we are showing the processed data in a intelligible way to the clients of the IOT devices.

2021-10 - 2022-04

with the previous client I worked with.
So I kept my main development and consulting purposes, so that later I've been doing more high level supervision so I could smoothly quit the project, so it didn't motivate me any more.
Development & consulting (October 2021 - present) Working for a recognized and global company focused in the monitorization of renewable energy facilities, I've been working in the Platform evolution team.
My main role has been the management and development of a centralized platform to handle Authentication (IdentityServer) and Authorization (custom solution). In order to be able to manage everything easily I had to learn React.
Senior developer and consultant in Microsoft technologies

2018-01 - 2021-10

FUNCTIONS Analysis of the infrastructure and customer needs, subsequent solution proposal and its implementation.
TECHNOLOGIES ● ASP.NET 4.6 ● ASP.NET Core (2.1, 3.1) ● sqlserver ● Azure (Sql Server, CosmosDb, Functions, App Services, ServiceBus, LogicApps, Storage, Key Vault, Application Insights) ● Azure DevOps (CI & CD) ● Vue & TypeScript PROJECTS Gokiota An internal initiative I started and maintained called Gokiota (then Sokiota), the objective of which is to take steps to have a slightly more sustainable company (both socially and ecologically).). As of today, we have switched to a green generation electricity cooperative, we have donated "old" computers to different social entities, and we have made an analysis of the purchases we make for the offices, to try to reduce the impact and buy preferably in proximity shops.
Evolutionary and new project Initially, I was only assigned to a project to carry out an evolution on an existing product in .NET 4.6 and MVC. Over time, the client gained confidence in my work, and allowed us to make a complete change on the front end, correctly implementing the Bootstrap framework, to have a responsive site, as well as much more beautiful, maintainable and stable.
After these 2 successes, Tokiota was entrusted with the new development of a portal to manage the billing data of the different companies they manage. The client asked us to have a first presentable product in 2 months. For this, I managed various people with Tokiota to help me develop an IdentityServer, a REST API (maturity level 2) and the front end in React.
● IdentityServer: it has 3 layers: data access (DB), for the API it exposes, and service (almost empty). This IdServer allows the creation and authentication of local users, as well as authenticating using Azure AD.
● API: it has the same 3 layers as IdServer. In this case, the logic layer is much thicker, and is mainly divided into Handlers and Services. Handlers are classes without an interface, which have 1 method for each method that the API exposes, manage authorization (not authentication), and sometimes call services; these same handlers, for methods with little or no logic, call the DB context directly. Services implement interfaces, since some have multiple implementations, and do not perform any permission checking.
SAP - ProjectOnline - PowerBI integration This solution allows the modifications made in SAP to be reflected against Project, to validate that the modifications made manually in Project are valid, and later to be able to extract reports in PowerBI. In addition, it also has a notification system via e-mail.
Midway through development, we realized that the decision to use AzureFunctions was not scalable, since the Project API can have VERY high latencies. We then decided to migrate all the Functions to WebJob within an AppService dedicated exclusively to it.
To have greater flexibility and resilience, ServiceBus is used to send events between the different events involved, also allowing retries in a natural way.
In this project, a very important change had to be made, penalizing performance in pursuit of a much more intelligible code, since the logic that it must execute is highly complex, and it was impossible to follow by someone who did not have that very fresh code.
Internal product Working with the IdentityServer4.0 framework, we have developed a product using Vue with TypeScript, having a BackOffice in .Net Core 2.0 and EntityFrameworkCore.
X3 Migration X3 is an ERP with a centralized Database. In this particular client it has a high latency. To improve it, we created a system for migrating the updated data to CosmosDb, and through an API we access them.
Redo old web portal Redo an old portal. It involves modernizing technologies, optimizing and fixing services, and interviewing users for new features and improvements.
Web portal modernization The client has a web portal, to which he wants to carry out multiple actions to modernize it.
The tasks performed are: Change the login system through tables in the local database to do it through AAD, rejecting the ASP Identity system as much as possible.
Improved role system to make it more flexible and intuitive.
Integration of an old portal to this one (the one mentioned above).
Migration Infrastructure to PaaS Migrate the current system that they have running on a single server to the different services offered by Azure. The objective has been to minimize costs, and improve performance and scalability.
Continuous integration and deployment system creation Creation of flows and tools to be able to ensure the integrity of code uploads and production uploads.
a Birchman Company

2016-12 - 2017-12

Company specialized in .NET and Xamarin technologies.
FUNCTIONS ● Technical support to the team ● Project cost estimation ● Developing punctually in critical projects TECHNOLOGIES ● ASP.NET ● .NET Core ● sqlserver ● azure ● Azure DevOps ● Xamarin PROJECTS App to access car parks ● Mobile application (Android and iOS) to access the car parks of the client company. It allows to register the user and the vehicle and make them in addition to the entrances and exits.
● Backoffice to have the management and information of user inputs and outputs, as well as advanced functions.
● Backend's responsible for meeting the requests of mobile applications, Backoffice and machines installed in the parking lots.
Document management system migration ● Console application to migrate from the GesDoc system to ContentServer.

2015-10 - 2016-11

Company founded by myself together with my family. The goal was to bring local commerce from both neighborhoods and towns closer to potential users.
FUNCTIONS ● Android app development ● BackOffice Development (WPF) ● Backend Development (API) ● Development of the tools required for process optimization TECHNOLOGIES ● Java ● ASP.NET ● AndroidStudio ● WPF ● SQL Server ● AWS
Senior .NET Developer

2015-05 - 2016-02

FUNCTIONS ● Developer for a REST API for an app (Android and iOS) and the BackOffice.
Consultant & Tech Lead at Vueling
Birchman Group

2014-01 - 2015-03

FUNCTIONS ● Developing evolutionary for invoice management application in Vueling.
● Modify invoice calculation and generation routines.
● Analysis, development and testing of each of the functionalities developed.
● Facilitator in the development tasks of the Birchman team at Vueling.
● Weekly meetings with the rest of the Tech Leads to discuss technical problems of the different teams.
N Unit

2012-01 - 2013-01

Team Foundation Server 2012, LinQ, Entity Framework 5, .NET 4.5, N Unit, N-Layer Architecture.
● WCF-based communication layer.
● Crystal Reports

Academic Background

Pompeu Fabra University
Pompeu Fabra University

2024-09 - 2024-09

Contact contractor
