Data scientist Aarhus

Might be available

(Updated 2023-06-26)

Data scientist


Native Danish, English, Beginner Svenska, Norwegian, German

  • +4 års erfaring med AWS og GCP
  • +4 års erfaring med ML & AI udvikling
  • +4 års erfaring med python

Skills (19)

Professional Experience

learning developer
AI and Machine

2021-01 - 2022-01

at Salling Group - Developed an internat dashboard using rest API and available data - Worked in teams to develop various machine learning models. One included pricing products in the super markets they would near their expiraUon date.
2019 - 2021: Data scien-st at Boozt - Development of machine learnings models from scratch. Including a warehouse stock forecast model, image recogniUon to categorize incoming products based on the product image, markeUng forecast and analysis, and pricing of ads.
- Launched models to the cloud and onwards to producUon.
- Supported to the development of various other models that my colleagues were assigned to.
iOS developer
Laberlarven ApS

2022-01 - 2022-01

(Freelance) - Development of Laberlarven's iOS app - IntegraUon for WooCommerce
Aarhus Kommune

2022-01 - 2022-01

(Freelance) - InvesUgaUon of the local plans for the municipality of Aarhus (Denmark)
UngiAarhus Syd

2015-01 - 2019-01

- Taught two classes in mathemaUcs at high school level and primary school level.
- I have also been at several other school helping teach students in mathemaUcs and physics.
The Job has given me experience in taking responsibility and work alone as well as in a team. It has also given me insight in communicaUng and solving complex problems.
IT - Competences Programming languages - Python, Swie, Bash, SQL, ObjecUve-C, VBA, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP Tools - Django, Docker, AWS, GCP, Git, Tensorflow, PostGres, MySQL, Xcode, Ubuntu, Excel

Academic Background

Masters degree in economics with speciality in ML and statistics
Aarhus University

2017-01 - 2019-01

bachelor's degree in economics
Aarhus University

2014-01 - 2017-01

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