AI Consultant Umeå, Sweden

Might be available

(Updated 2024-02-12)

AI Consultant

Umeå, Sweden

Native Svenska, English

  • MSc in Computer Science specialized towards AI and NLP
  • 4+ years of industry experience
  • 7+ years of Python and Data Science Experience

Skills (22)






Deep Learning


Machine Learning

Natural Language Processing














Professional Experience

Language Model Research Scientist
Sartorius Corporate Research

2020-01 - 2023-01

As a language modelling researcher, I have gained experience in successfully identifying and applying state-of-the-art language processing techniques to classify patents. In addition, I gained experience in collaborating internally within Sartorius and externally with collaborators to successfully deliver a deep learning solution that will be provided as a service to customers. Furthermore, I diversified by branching out into protein language modelling and was able to identify key issues and solutions for a high value protein dataset using language models.
Acquired skills & achievements: {Provided several deep learning models able to successfully classify patents within several different technological fields and language models able to identify issues in protein datasets {Filed a patent application based on the patent workflow designed during the patent categorization collaboration {Experience working with several contemporary libraries and technologies, such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Azure, OpenAI, AzureML, AzureDevOps, FLAIR and Streamlit {Experience conducting pilot studies and handing over code to external partners
AI Consultant
SynGen AI Technologies

2023-01 - 2023-01

As an AI consultant I assist clients with developing and deploying proof-of-concept applications based on Large Language Models (LLMs) and Stable Diffusion, amongst other deep learning methods. I also assist clients in deploying these applications in the online platform Anvil Works, which involves setting up database and user profile management.
Acquired skills & achievements: {Experience utilizing web-scraping tools to extract information and then transform the information using LLMs {Experience training custom Stable Diffusion LoRA models and building Stable Diffusion pipeline {Experience creating and deploying retrieval augemented chatbot applications, able to formulate questions and answers based on client data using OpenAI, LangChain and Anvil Works {Experience interacting with clients and maintaining client ideas and developing them into value-providing applications {Experience in the start-up ecosystem, designing pitch decks and helping to secure funding from investors
Accelerated Document Categorization

2022-01 - 2022-01

Using Machine Learning, U.S. Patent 20220309089A1
Research Associate in Artificial Intelligence
Technology group

2016-01 - 2020-01

Univerity's Knowledge Technology group, Hamburg.
As a researcher in the SOCRATES EU research project, I have experience in designing, training, and integrating deep learning systems into robots in real-world Human-Robot interactions.
Furthermore, I have gained skills in publishing academic papers at notable conferences, primarily in the fields of artificial intelligence, neural networks, deep learning, and Human-Robot interaction.
Acquired skills & achievements: {Several publications on the topics of deep learning, natural language processing, and Human- Robot Interaction design {Practical experience building modular systems for social agents using tools such as the Pepper robot, ROS, PyTorch, GIT, and spaCy {Experience working, collaborating, and delivering in a Horizon 2020 Marie Curie research project
General chair of the PhD Conference
Safe and Social Robotics

2018-01 - 2018-01

{Experience conducting user studies, applying for ethical consent, and adhering to GDPR {Successful supervision of three students at Bachelor and Master level on the topic of deep learning {Experience in proposal and grant writing
Computer Science Teaching Assistant, Umeå Univerity's Computer Science
Umeå University I

2015-01 - 2016-01

Department, Umeå.
During my time as a student at Umeå University I worked as a teaching assistant. This taught me skills such as student supervision, holding group exercises, and assignment grading. It has given me a change of perspective both as a student and as a teacher. Furthermore my role as a teacher has made my grasp of fundamental programming principles highly robust.
Courses where I have taught, advised, and graded students: {Data structures and algorithms, C {Data structures and algorithms, Python {Object Oriented Programming Methodology {Application development in Java {Application development in Python {Development of Mobile Applications {Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Academic Background

Umeå University

2024-09 - 2024-09

Umeå University

2014-01 - 2016-01

Contact contractor
